Combell has a strong and serious commitment to OH&S and Quality Assurance. Our administration procedures ensure that all clients are presented with appropriate administration obligations including safe work statements, insurance and workcover documents, etc.

3M-Greystanes-4yHealth and Safety

Our Policy is to provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions, equipment and systems of work for all employees, and to provide such information, training and supervision as they need for this purpose. We also accept our responsibility for the health and safety of other people and the environment, all who may be affected by our activities.


Combell is committed to comply fully with all relevant legislation and regulations and with any environmental management measures, which may be required by our customers.

We are committed to managing our activities in such a way as to, wherever practical, control and minimise pollution, minimise waste and dispose of such waste as is produced in a proper and controlled manner and to the continuous improvement of its environmental management system and environmental performance.


It is the Policy of Combell to ensure that all Company products are designed, manufactured and constructed to the effective standard appropriate at the date an order is placed, and in line with Customer’s quality, reliability, safety, and contract and specification requirements.


Our highly technical IT infrastructure promotes and enables the availability to accept drawings via email. This promotes instantaneous and hassle free access to our clients’ drawings and requests.


As described in the Fabrication Services page, Combell offers full installation services guided by our excellent quality control protocols.